In English

Stop the deportations to Afghanistan!
Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! 


- History of the network
- Cooperation with other networks
- Read more - articles in English about Swedish migration policy


"Stop the deportations of Afghan youth!" was an appeal that was published October 12, 2016. 

The website with the same name contains information for helpers and youth, texts written by them, facts, news and debate. 

The facebookgroup was meant for information and policy making. After a few months, Afghan youth themselves asked for membership, and their share grew quickly. After two years, the group had 21,000 members, of whom we estimate one third are Afghans. It has been very important for distribution of support and information to the youngsters. Many suicides have been prevented. 

The network has no board. Different and sometimes temporary groupings operate different activities. Several thousands of letters have been sent to politicians. Numerous articles, letters to editors etc. have been written. Members have participated in national and local manifestations.

During summer 2017, it was obvious that thousands of youngsters would stand without economic support and/or accommodation. To make it possible to collect money in a safe and transaparent way, the non-governmental organisation Stöttepelaren (the Supporting Pillar) was registered. 

During a workshop in January 2019, these decisions were taken:
  • Our first priority is to stop deportation to Afghanistan, with children and youngsters in focus.
  • We want the temporary law to be amended so that "other protective and aggravating circumstances" are reintroduced.
In 2017, a similar appeal "Stop deportations to Afghanistan now" was launched, with 2,000 people signing. During 2019, it was obvious that another vulnerable group is the 2,000 children living in limbo together with their parents. 

In March 2020, the two appeals were merged under the title "Stop deportations to Afghanistan!", which gives us better possibilities to cooperate with the networks around the families. 

Ingrid Eckerman  +46 70 55 73 193
Karin Fridell Anter +46 707 694 017  

Cooperation with other networks

In March 2017, we participated in the Röda tråden march (the Red Thread March), arranged by #Vi står inte ut (We cannot stand it). 

From August to October, 2017, the youth network Ung i Sverige (Young in Sweden) went on sit strike, supported by helpers' networks. 

In October, 2017, members of the network founded Stöttepelaren - the "Supporting Pillar" - to distribute support to youth who sought asylum in Sweden as unaccompanied minors. 

On November 25, 2017, two years after the Prime Minister presented the new "temporary" asylum law, the network arranged the manifestation Flyktingarnas dag (the Refugees' Day), followed by a much appreciated party for youngsters and helpers.  

On October 4, 2018, the network arranged the international conference How safe is Afghanistan? and four days later the nationwide manifestation Sweden against deportations.

During the spring 2019, the network participated in the actions 17 000 blommor - 17 000 liv (17,000 flowers - 17,000 lives). On and before June 18, we demonstrated inside and outside the House of Parliament, against the extension of the "temporary law". 

In July 2019, Afghan families with children formed a network Liv utan gränser (Life without borders). They started a sit strike with support
from Ung i Sverige as well as from helpers'  networks.  Several manifestations were arranged. The strike ended after the many manifestations around the opening of the Parliament in september. 

On November 20, 2019, the network Liv utan gränser arranged manifestations in many places, commemorating the Declaration of Children's Rights. On November 24, there were protest against the "contemporary law" nationwide. Read more! 

On May 1, 2020, a "digital demonstration" För en mänsklig flyktingpolitik (For a human refugee politics) was marching on Facebook. Around 70 groups and organisations participated with their own banners, and 2 500 people "walked". In July, the march started again, to walk until the government presents the proposal for the new refugee law that becomes valid in July, 2021 - or maybe to the election in September, 2022. 

In March, 2021, the electronic book Den onödiga flyktingkrisen - rättssäkerheten, civilsamhället och flyktingarna 2015-2021 (The unnecessary refugee crisis - the legal certainty, the civils society and the refugees 2015-2012) was launched by six editors from different networks. The printed copy was launched in October 2021. Some of the chapters and other articles are available in English and farsi.

The network is one of the member groups of FARR, the Refugee Groups' National Council. In November 2022, we signed the protest against the Tidö agreement.

Read more

See also some articles and reports at Many reports about the asylum politics

Articles in the blog labelled English.


Right of asylum recedes in EU-based legal limbo Sofia Rönnow Pessah, Artikel 14 2024;2


Sweden's new migration policy  The Government 2023

Online briefing: Access to asylum for Afghans in Europe  Webinar, ECRE April 24, 2023. Michael Williams, FARR, at 1,35 hours.



The Unnecessary Refugee Crisis  (Den onödiga flyktingkrisen) Texts and links in English  

Life after deportation to Afghanistan  Ellinor Friström May, 2021

Suède: migrants, retours à la case départ Arte TV April 23, 2021 (In French)


Country report: Sweden. Update 2020. AIDA - Asylum Information Database

Asylum investigations of Afghan citizens in Sweden 2015-2020  Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! Dec 6, 2020

Migrants detained during the corona crisis Sofia Häyhtiö et al, Linköping University and FARR, Oct 30, 2020


Age assessments July 6, 2019

Asztalos Morell I. (2019) Contestations of the Swedish Deportation Regime: Civil Mobilisation for and with Afghan Youth. In: Feischmidt M., Pries L., Cantat C. (eds) Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham  Abstrakt Google books 

How many years does it take to clear out the unaccompanied youngsters from Sweden? June 25, 2019

Östman, Caroline. ​Unaccompanied minors and political responses in Sweden: Challenges for social work. Dissertation, Mittuniversitetet 2019. ISBN: 978-91-88947-01-7

Barker, Vanessa. Nordic Nationalism and Penal Order. Walling the Welfare State  Routledge 2019, 1st Edition. 168 s. 


How safe is Afghanistan? Stockholm Oct 4, 2018  Stoppa utvisningarna Aug 23, 2018

Swedish student's protest puts issue of Afghan deportations into the spotlight  The Local July 25, 2018

March 18, 2018

Hedlund D, Wikmark T. Unaccompanied children seeking asylum on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Journal of Refugee Studies, 2019;32(2) June 2019:257–277.  


"I only have a dream now - to die"  Blankspot, March 26, 2017

How Afghans became second-class asylum seekers  The Conversation Febr 20, 2017


Daniel Hedlund. Drawing the limits. Unaccompanied minors in Swedish asylum policy and procedure  Avhandling, Stockholms universitet 2016 

Josefsson J. Children at the borders  Linköpings universitet 2016 

2015 2015 

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