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Landinformation vintern, våren och sommaren 2024
HRW Urges Accountability As Taliban’s Repressive Policies Push Afghanistan Into Deeper Crisis Kabul Now 16.1.2025
Taliban Warns NGOs to Comply with Ban on Women’s Employment or Face Closure Kabul Now 29.12.2024
Fönster mot innergården förbjuds i Afghanistan Yle 29.12.2024
Akhundzada Calls on Religious Scholars to Enforce Morality Law Through “Obedience” Kabul Now 2.12.2024
NRF Takes Responsibility for Blast Near Taliban Ministry of Interior Kabul Now 1.12.2024
Sverige i Afghanistan 2001–2021 - erfarenheter och lärdomar SOU 2024:92 17.12.2024
UN Chief’s New Report Reveals Nearly 40% Increase in Security Incidents in Afghanistan Kabul Now 13.12.2024
Afghanistan: Konsulaere tjenester for afghanske borgare Landinfo (Norge) 30.10.2024
Country policy and information note: unaccompanied children, Afghanistan Gov.UK Version 4.0, 11.11.2024
Country policy and information note: fear of the Taliban, Afghanistan Gov.UK augusti 2024, uppdaterad 11.11.2024
Country policy and information not: humanitarian situation, Afghanistan Gov.UK augusti 2024, version 3.0 uppdaterad 11.11.2024
Afghanistan's Ambassador to Germany resigns as diplomatic pressures mount Kabul now 1.11.2024
COP29 highlights Afghanistan's Climate Woes Abubakar Siddique, Radio Free Europe November 2024
Taliban Detains Canadian Veteran David Lavery Upon Arrival in Kabul KabulNow 16.11.2024
Taliban Bans Photography and Video Interviews in Nangarhar as Crackdown Intensifies KabulNow 14.11.2024
Genocidal Attacks and Hate Speech Against Shia Hazaras under Taliban Rule KabulNow 10.11.2024
Taliban further restricts women's voices with ban on praying aloud in front of other women ABC.net.au 31.10.2024
’We have your location’: The Taliban death threats hounding this Afghan woman CNN 13.10.2024
Ambassadör i villa för 42 miljoner - men utan land SvD 29.9.2024
EU Parliament: Taliban’s Treatment of Women Amounts to ‘Gender Apartheid’ Kabul Now 19.9.2024
Taliban to be taken to international court over gender discrimination The Guardian 25.9.2024
Taliban ban live political broadcasts, step up censorship CPJ 24.9.2024
Nya skräcklagarna i Afghanistan Dagens story, SvD 23.9.2024
Taliban Kills Six on Theft Allegation in Takhar and Publicly Displays Their Bodies Kabul Now 21.9.2024
UN Envoy: International Community’s Concerns About Terrorism Originating from Afghanistan Are Valid Kabul Now 19.9.2024
EU Parliament: Taliban’s Treatment of Women Amounts to ‘Gender Apartheid’ Kabul Now 19.9.2024
Taliban bans religious debates in media amu.tv 20.9.2024
Hazarernas liv i Afghanistan under talibanernas styre; Några störande trender för mänskliga rättigheter etilaatroz.com 18.9.2024
The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security - Report of the Secretary-General (A/79/341-S/2024/664) [EN/AR/RU/ZH] Reliefweb 17.9.2024
Taliban Publicly Flogs Woman, Jails Her for Six Months in Northern Afghanistan Kabul Now 16.9.2024
Osama Bin Laden’s Son Alive and Plotting Attacks from Afghanistan, Says Report Kabul Now 15.9.2024
Women Activists Call for Action to End ‘Genocide’ of Hazaras in Afghanistan Kabul Now 14.9.2024
At Least 11 Hazaras Killed in Armed Attack in Central Afghanistan Kabul Now 12.9.2024
Taliban Claims Laws Are Fully Sharia-Based, Warns Critics of Legal Action Kabul Now 12.9.2024
If we cannot speak - why live? BBC meets women after new Taliban law BBC 11.9.2024
A second Afghan embassy says it will close after the Taliban withdrew recognition AP news 10.9.2024
UK Set to Close Afghan Embassy in London Kabul Now 8.9.2024
IOM: More than 96,000 Afghans Left for Iran and Pakistan in a Week Kabul Now 8.9.2024
The Human Rights situation in Afghanistan April - June 2024 UNAMA 2024
Talibanerna trappar upp sina metoder för att tysta kvinnor SR 6.9.2024
Taliban Morality Police detain six in Northern Afghanistan for alleged illicit relationships Kabul Now 6.9.2024
Taliban pressures Germany for more diplomatic control DW 5.9.2024
Omvärlden fördömer talibanernas strikta morallagar SAK 4.9.2024
ISIS-K Claims Responsibility for Kabul Suicide Bombing, Reports 45 Casualties Kabul Now 3.9.2024
A troubling new approach to Afghan asylum claims Free movement, UK 2.9.2024
Taliban imprisonment of women reaches 1,000 amid reports of widespread torture Afghanistan International 1.9.2024
The propagation of virtue and prevention of vice law, translated into English AAN 31.8.2024
TheAghanistan Mid-Year Human Rights Situation Report January – June 30 2024. Rawadari
augusti 2024
UN Special rapporteur says committed to people of Afghanistan despite Taliban barring entry OHCR 21.8.2024
Guidance. Country police and information note: Security situation, Afghanistan, April 2024 gov.uk Updated 26.8.2024
Guidance. Country police and information note: fear of the Taliban, Afghanistan, August 2024 gov.uk Updated 16.8.2024
Guidance. Country police and information note: Humanitarian situation, Afghanistan, August 2024 gov.uk Updated 16.8.2024
The Afghanistan Mid-Year Human Rights Situation report Jan-June 30 2024 13.8.2024
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